UDL operates on 3 main principles:
"Principle 1:
To support recognition learning, provide multiple, flexible methods of presentation
Principle 2:
To support strategic learning, provide multiple, flexible methods of expression and apprenticeship.
Principle 3:
To support affective learning, provide multiple, flexible options for engagement."
UDL suggests that educators exhibit 3 kinds of flexibility:
- "To represent information in multiple formats and media.
- To provide multiple pathways for students’ action and expression.
- To provide multiple ways to engage students’ interest and motivation."
Meyer, A. & Rose, D.H. Teaching Every Student in the Digital Age: Universal Design for Learning. 2002. ch. 4.
CAST is a fantastic organization. While navigating their website, I also stumbled upon some of their FREE products. These include:
UDL Editions by CAST™
UDL Editions by CAST are classic texts from world literature presented in a flexible online interface that provides just-in-time, individualized supports for struggling readers, and added-value features that engage novice and expert readers alike.Learning features include leveled supports to build reading strategies and help readers understand the elements of the author's craft; a Texthelp Toolbar for accessibility and language features; context-specific multimedia glossaries and enrichment activities; and multimedia background resources.
Watch a Video about UDL Editions
Developed with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York. Introduced in partnership with Google Literacy Project for World Book Day, 2008. Copyright 2008, CAST.
CAST Strategy Tutor™
A free online tool to support students and teachers doing reading and research on the Internet, ages 10 and up. Strategy Tutor helps students read, research, collect and understand information better and more efficiently. For teachers, Strategy Tutor provides a way to easily create web-based lessons embedded with research-based, highly effective learning strategy and vocabulary supports.Developed with generous support from Carnegie Corporation of New York. Copyright 2003-2008, CAST.
CAST UDL Curriculum Self-Check™
Free online tool that helps educators build options and flexibility into each element of the curriculum (goals, methods, materials, and assessments) in order to reach and engage all students. Developed with support from the Massachusetts Department of Special Education. Copyright 2007-2008 CAST. Please send comments or suggestions to UDLSelfCheck@cast.org.CAST UDL Lesson Builder™
Free online tool that teaches educators to customize standards-based curriculum to meet individual learning needs. Developed in cooperation with the Access Center (American Institutes for Research). Copyright 2006-2008 CAST. Please send comments or suggestions to lessonbuilder@cast.org.CAST UDL Book Builder™
Free online tool enables educators to develop their own digital books to support reading instruction for children aged 3& up. Teachers create, edit, and save resource-rich texts. Terry, an animated character, guides educators as they write text, choose images, and develop scripts for the prompts, hints, and models that will help build young readers' skills. Copyright 2006-2008, CAST. Please send comments or suggestions to bookbuilder@cast.org.The above can be viewed and explored in more detail at:
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