Saturday, October 18, 2008


So I just downloaded the bookmarking tool Diigo and it is awesome! After exploring numerous bookmarking sites, what attracted me most to Diigo was the fact that I could highlight text and add "sticky notes" to any part of a webpage. This way, I can hone in on the key parts of webpages that are important to me. Another site, Clipmarks, allows you to take "clippings" off of pages, but to me this is too disjointed. I prefer to have the entire page and highlight the stuff I want. I thought this could be incredibly helpful especially when reading articles online for research papers, etc. In Diigo, you can make a list for a specific class or paper/project and include the highlighted articles. Another great feature is that you can search within Diigo for different topics rather than having to go through a separate search engine first.

I have found some really great groups on Diigo too. Some of personal interest, such as "Wholesale Replica Designer Handbags" and Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers. This one has great assistive/instructional technology resources!

Diggo also has a special free upgrade for teachers. Teachers can create a diigo account for each of their students. Everything is protected so "outsiders" cannot come into contact with the kids. This could be especially helpful for students as they gather information for projects and assignments. Those with organization problems, and even those without, are able to have all of their information in one place. They can even do internet-based research in different locations (i.e. school, home, library, friend's house, etc). This eliminates losing papers, or websites because they were accessed on different computers. Also, the highlighting and note feature allows student to interact with the information the way they would normally be expected to on paper.

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